Berikut adalah rapid question yang kebetulan saya baca dari sebuah blog yang bernama "Mayday! Mayday!"
rapid question itu semacam Ultimate Ice Breaker yang bisa kamu tanyain ke temen kamu secara santai namun sekaligus get to know them better. Berikut contoh Rapid Question yang akan saya jawab sendiri :)
1. Do you still talk to the person you fell the hardest for?
err i don't know
2. Latest you stayed up in the past week?
2 am
3. Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?
4. Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now?
5. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
6. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
7. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
of course
8. Do you have a brother?
9. Has anyone told you they would never leave and left?
no I think..
10. Have you ever liked someone older than you?
err yes
11. Rent a movie or go to movies?
go to movies
12. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
ahem. very good.
13. Who do you want to kiss?
my mom. but I'm to shy. and my cat!!!!
14. How did you feel when you woke up today?
15. Have you ever slow danced without any music?
ahaha yeah couple times
16. What would your parents have named you if you were born the opposite sex?
George or Stefan
17. How long does it take you in the shower?
half hour
18. How ticklish are you?
not ticklish. my friends frustated trying to tickle me
19. If you could change your eye color, what would you change it to?
brown or grey
20. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
21. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were younger?
yes. his name is Ryan.
22. The last person you argued with?
Arin. my roomate
23. Is any part of your body sore?
my backkkkkkk
24. Would you ever consider piercing your lip?
of course not. what would my food taste then?
25. Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
errr sometimes yes sometimes not
26. Are you proud of the person you've become?
not really. Still trying to be better person
27. Could you go the rest of your life without smoking weed?
why not?
28. Do you like/love someone right now?
I think yes *blush*
29. How's your week going?
lots of workshits
30. Will your next kiss be a mistake?
no no no don't be
31. Where are your siblings?
in front of tv, clipping printed pictures or something
32. Do you want kids?
yeah, when i'm married.
33. What were your first thoughts this morning?
cook the spinach
34. Has anyone said they love you in the last week?
no one T__T
35. Do you like waking up in the morning to find that you have new texts?
yes! i'd love to!
36. Are you friends with someone who's older than you?
my seniorsssss, my mentor, et cetera~
37. How late did you stay up last night and why?
11pm. i was texting someone till I drop
38. Who made you laugh today?
39. What are your plans for tomorrow?
jak japan matsuri at monas maybe
40. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
yeah HAHAHAHA *evil laugh*
41. Would you make a good parent?
I hope so v__v
42. Do you like to hold hands?
to whom? my little sis? I'd love to!
43. Are you happy with life?
yes :D
44. Ever thrown a phone at someone?
LOL no no no. he/she would throw it back at me
45. Do you think trust is a big deal?
yes. so I'm sorry if I ever dissapointed anyone who trusted me.
46. Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in ?
no *grin*
47. This survey gets a little personal can you handle it?
watch me
48. How fast does your mood change?
in a blink of an eye
49. I bet you missed someone today?
50. What did you do today?
chatting, browsing
51. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
52. Missing someone you shouldn't?
I said no. are you?
53. What's up with you and your Number 1?
I don't know who number 1 is
54. Do you have a best friend?
yes! we've been friends since we're little kid
55. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
Putra Imanuel. and my friend's crush :p
56. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now?
highschool event. uyeeeaah~
57. What are you doing this weekend?
doing worksheetssss like hell
58. What was the worst mistake of your life?
made wrong choice because I didn't think while choosing
59. Are you an alcoholic?
60. Do you know someone in jail?
61. Do you like to sleep?
anyone who don't?
62. Do you like hugs?
63. Are you a patient person?
yes. but for some reason, no
64. Do you enjoy late night phone conversations?
yeahhh but I don't remember it. my eyes were like, 2 watts
65. Were you happy when you woke up today?
not really but, yeah happy
66. Strawberry milkshake or banana pancakes?
banana pancakes. strawberry milkshakes is boring
67. Last movie you saw in theaters?
Ice Age 3
68. Burger King or Wendy's?
BURGER KING!!! I still can taste the beef even after I reached home
69. What are you doing right now?
blogging, chatting. eh not chatting anymore
70. Don't tell me lies, so where's your man?
71. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
72. Has anyone told you they loved you in the last week?
NO. and you've already asked this
73. Have you ever kissed under water?
Wow Cool!! no I haven't! can I kiss my cat underwater?
74. Do you have to plug your nose while swimming under water?
no. I like to blow bubbles from my nose
75. Are you a heart breaker?
really? I think no but my friends think yes. xoxo.
76. Do you know anyone who committed suicide?
no...... almost committed? yes
77. Is it ever too late to apologize?
no, but, it's annoying if somebody begging for your forgiveness on and on
78. Your ex calls wanting to hang out. What do you do?
79. Camping with a ton of friends or hotel with a few friends?
Camping in my hotel room!
80. Who can make you feel better in a difficult situation?
GOD. and cute cat <3 font="font">3>
So, seperti inilah beberapa contoh rapid question yang barusan saya jawab. Rapid question bisa berupa apapun, asal tidak menyinggung lawan bicara. Lagipula, terkadang kita suka bingung kan mau mulai obrolan dengan topik apa kalau lagi kumpul sama temen-temen? Try This, buds! :D
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